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  • Writer's pictureKellee Boag [Miller, John]

The Importance of Addressing Gaps in Learning for Student Success

A P-12 issue that plagues schools and the community is gaps in student learning. Gaps in student learning became noticeable after students returned to in-person learning after school closures due to the pandemic. As a teacher, finding ways to provide a meaningful learning experience while teaching the standards from the curriculum and maintaining the pace required by the school district officials is daunting.

Instruction must be individualized to conquer this daunting task of improving student achievement. Teachers could use scaffolding and differentiated instruction to individualize student’s lessons. According to research (Aguhayon et al., 2023), “Differentiated teaching activities in mathematics can boost academic achievement and engagement and prepare students for future success while fostering a positive and inclusive classroom culture that values individual learning needs and preferences.” (pg 1, para 1) Designing differentiated lessons and activities may take some time and effort, but the time invested will pay off in student achievement.

Considering the systematic methods used in current educational practices is also essential. Historically, education policies have yet to demonstrate resilience. Research (OECD, n.d.) states, “The COVID-19 crisis has revealed that, when education systems are not resilient in this way, disruptions disproportionately affect the most vulnerable learners with potentially dramatic and long-lasting implications for individuals and societies.” (pg. 4, para 1) Given this information, the policies must address learning gaps.

The act of reflection on educational practices must take place to create a resilient educational plan. According to research (Walden University, 2016), “Educators must demonstrate effective reflection strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of all students.” (pg2, para 4) This standard should be throughout the entire educational system. Finally, teachers must collaborate with parents and stakeholders to continue to find ways to improve student learning and achievement.


Aguhayon, H., Tingson, R., & Pentang, J. (2023). Addressing Students Learning Gaps in Mathematics through Differentiated Instruction. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 4(1), 69–87.

OECD. (n.d.). 3. Addressing learning gaps now will minimize disruption in students’ educational journeys | Lessons for Education from COVID-19 : A Policy Maker’s Handbook for More Resilient Systems | OECD iLibrary.

Walden University. (2016). RWRCOEL professional dispositions professional conduct. Laureate Education, Inc.

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